Mindful Monday- Bumps, Bruises & Balloons
BY MISTY JENNEIAHN“Opportunity is missed by most people becauseit's dressed in overalls and looks like work."~Thomas Edison
We often reserve celebrating for “special occasions” like birthdays, weddings, retirement, etc. Unfortunately that thought process leaves a lot of missed opportunities for joy on the table.
Like most of us, you were probably taught to rejoice only in things that make you feel good but what about the rest? Without having endured the hard work and struggles along the way your victories wouldn't be possible. Don't your efforts and commitment to persevere in those challenging moments deserve to be celebrated?
- Celebrate the fear because it means you’re stretching.
- Celebrate the pain because it means you’re feeling.
- Celebrate the grief because it means you’ve loved deeply.
- Celebrate the loss because it means you're playing.
Even unpleasant feelings and challenging moments contain an element of joy when we open ourselves to it. Albert Einstein said, "“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Just like the caterpiller, after time spent in a cocoon, it miraculously turns into a floating beautiful butterfly. It's often through dark and constricting times that we too learn to fly.
Can you celebrate your own transformation in all it's stages?
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