Fear Debilitates. Mindfulness Restores.

“Fear does not stop death. It stops life."  
~author unknown
What's running you? Fear or Faith?
Fear can be crippling. When we let fear build in our hearts, we lose our power. Like a magnet, fearful thoughts, words, and deeds attract more fear. Our scary imaginings take on momentum and whisk us away from the here and now and drop us into an imagined future that can leave us feeling panicked and uncertain. 
Actions taken from fear, rarely, if ever, create the best results. 
Tuning out fear is critical, however, this doesn’t mean we bury our head in the sand. It is important to understand that fear blocks our ability to access the parts of our brain and hearts where true intelligence lives. If we can't access those areas of our brain, we can't make the best decisions for ourselves or anyone else. Find what brings you peace and let that penetrate your heart and mind.
This is why it’s important to remain mindful in times of uncertainty. 
Slow down and let sanity and clear direction dictate your actions
Tune into your body… bring awareness to your hands, take time while washing them, be aware of what they are doing, nurture them, create simple practices that will help bring some peace of mind during this time. 
All of us here at Studio Penny Lane are committed to focusing our energy to positive, solution-filled, and loving trains of thought at a time when the world really needs it.
We hope you will join us in building a ripple of goodness. We are stronger together.
We are ONE.
In love and gratitude,
The Crew at Studio Penny Lane

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