Are you where you coulda, woulda, shoulda, been?
You are exactly where you are meant to be.
Have Faith in your journey. Everything had to happen exactly as it did to get you where you’re going next. ~ Mandy Hale
Believe it or not, you are exactly where you are meant to be. Not where you "coulda, woulda, or shoulda" been.
How do we know? Because you are exactly where you are, it’s a simple fact.
Wherever you may be, there you are — present and perfect. It can sometimes be very challenging to accept this concept especially when we are experiencing physical or emotional pain or fear. We might feel and/or believe if only we were here or there, or did this, or that. But the truth is we didn’t.
Everything leads us to a person, place, thought, feeling or thing. It is a common state of mind to question our whereabouts. Matter of fact, it is healthy to do so. Questioning your direction, purpose, life, choices, etc, gives you the opportunity to pause and evaluate the direction you are in and the direction you desire.
Stay curious, while mindfully grounded in knowing you are exactly where you are meant to be (even if it is uncomfortable), pay attention and set intention and believe that you deserve all that you desire. Have faith in yourself and that the universe is working for you and with you. Believe in YOU!
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